AWS Direct Connect vs Azure ExpressRoute Networking

June 15, 2022

AWS Direct Connect vs Azure ExpressRoute Networking

Connecting to cloud services has become a crucial aspect of the modern digital infrastructure. AWS and Azure are the leading cloud service providers in the market today, offering a wide range of cloud-based services. One of the services that they offer is cloud networking, which allows customers to connect their on-premises infrastructure to their cloud infrastructure seamlessly.

Both AWS and Azure have direct connectivity services, namely AWS Direct Connect and Azure ExpressRoute respectively. In this blog post, we will provide a factual and unbiased comparison between the two services to help users make an informed decision on which one to choose.

AWS Direct Connect

AWS Direct Connect is an excellent service that enables customers to establish a dedicated network connection between their on-premises infrastructure and AWS. Direct Connect is a great option for customers who require a high-speed, low-latency network connection to AWS.


  • Provides a dedicated network connection that is not shared with other customers
  • Offers a highly secure network connection using private virtual interfaces
  • Provides support for multiple virtual interfaces that can be used to partition your network resources
  • Supports a wide range of speeds ranging from 50 Mbps to 100 Gbps
  • Offers a cost-effective option for customers who transfer large amounts of data to AWS.

Azure ExpressRoute

Azure ExpressRoute is Microsoft's equivalent direct connectivity service that allows customers to establish a dedicated, private connection to Azure. ExpressRoute is an excellent choice for customers who require a reliable, high-speed connection to Azure.


  • Provides a dedicated network connection that is not shared with other customers
  • Offers highly secure connectivity using private virtual circuits
  • Enables users to partition their network with multiple private connections to Azure.
  • Support bandwidth options of 50Mbps, 100Mbps, 200Mbps, 400Mbps, 1Gbps, 2Gbps, 5Gbps, and 10Gbps
  • Offers a cost-effective option for customers who transfer large amounts of data.


Feature AWS Direct Connect Azure ExpressRoute
Network Speed Up to 100Gbps Up to 10Gbps
Availability Global Global
Pricing Pay per port and data usage Pay per circuit and data usage
Virtual interface support Yes Yes
Configuration options Multiple configurations to suit different needs Fewer configuration options

As the table suggests, both services offer similar features, security levels, and virtual interface support. However, AWS Direct Connect has the edge over Azure ExpressRoute when it comes to network speed and availability.


Both AWS Direct Connect and Azure ExpressRoute are excellent direct connectivity services that offer secure and reliable network connections to their respective cloud services. However, users must take into consideration factors such as network speed, pricing, and configuration options. AWS Direct Connect seems to be the better option when it comes to network speed and availability, while Azure ExpressRoute offers a more straightforward pricing model.

Ultimately, the choice depends on the requirements of the customer, and we urge that users consider the features of each service before making a decision.


  1. AWS Direct Connect Overview
  2. Azure ExpressRoute Overview

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